本公司具10年以上經驗,舉行的生日派對超過 10,000個,擁有15位經驗豐富的魔術師及小丑,配合客人需要及小朋友的年齡去挑選最適合的給你,務求帶領整個生日會氣氛,令小朋友及家長盡情玩樂,帶給小朋友一個難忘的生日會經歷。🎉
R表演藝術 / 魔術RelaxingArtDIY

全港首間福爾摩斯偵探主題 Party+Game|真人角色扮演推理遊戲LARP|逢星期四$50桌遊夜,玩足一晚|限時優惠$50/4hrs 任玩VR PS4 Switch 電動麻雀,見咩玩咩|5~35人派對|提供私人包場

Steadily Supplying:Sothys, Chantecaille, Lauder, Phytomer, Dermacol, Kerastase, PTR, StriVectin, Elemis, Foreo, By Terry, Acca Kappa, Duty Free Sets. Please contact via my email: [email protected]
W美容 / 零售及批發Winnie Cheung

Chronic constipation, headache, back pain, indigestion, bloating discomfort, diarrhoea and arthritis can be attributed to wastes trapped in the inner wall of the colon whereby toxins are absorbed i
H健康及醫療 / 浣腸水療HydroHealth Colon Hydrotherapy Ltd

全日攝影及錄影 全日攝影及錄影 如有需要本公司創辦人 Thomas 提供全日 11 小時婚禮攝影服務,另加港幣。
A結婚 / 婚禮攝影Action Workshop Production

零售, 批發, 日本護膚品, 化妝品, 零食, 健康食品, 精品, 玩具 文具, 日用品, 卡通人物精品

全場14台台式夾公仔機 地點: 西灣河 營業時間:24小時年中無休 - 鄰近西灣河地鐵站, 人流極高 - 鄰近太安樓,中小學校,糖水鋪,零售舗,住宅等等 - 24小時監控 - 2月開張 本店特色 。專業夾公仔機維修保養團隊,確保夾公仔機質素 。場內設有5元硬幣兌幣機,方便客人 。場內設有24小時閉路電視監控 。專人清潔場地,保持環境整潔

Industrial& product design,prototype production,CNC machining,rapid prototyping,RP,SLA,color injection,2D/3D drawing,

雜色扭蛋殼 (11cm直徑)/ 九龍灣交收或順豐到付/ 有意請電郵[email protected]

🌈限時優惠。最後一部🌈 🐥🐥**最平租金&靚位**🐥🐥 截止日期:7/10/2019 旺角店:先達1樓 🔸🔹人流集中,旺場🔹🔸 🎊💰回報可達2-3倍💰🎊

泰拳,帶氧拳擊,健體舞,瑜伽,普拉提,橡筋帶伸展,體能,PT, 自組班,公司班,團體班

Rare and adorable Sylvanian Families doll house with lights. Accessories can be added for small additional price. Very heavy: around 3 Kg so best to deliver to you by hand. Can meet at Siu Hong MTR b

西貢,新蒲崗,yoga瑜珈,泰拳,cardio kickboxing帶氧拳擊, crossfit混合體能, pilates普拉提, stretching伸展,aerobic健體舞
A運動及健身 / 健身Action Fitness

經營範圍: 氦氣樽租用(Balloon Gas)以及派對氣球佈置; 9-24吋鋁膜氣球絲印(Balloon ad)或10-12吋乳膠氣球絲印(Advertising Balloon Printing) Balloon AD./ Silk Printing 9-24inch Foil Balloon Printing / 10-12inch Latex Balloon Printing

Your children will experience the power of creative expression and problem-solving while building their self-confidence and exploring their interests, all in a fun and supportive environment.
教學進修 / 兒童興趣班Creative Courses for Curious Kids

西式豪華遊艇- 西貢遊船河 德國 Bavaria Virtess 420: Times: 10:00am - 4:30pm Price: HK$12,800 Weekend/ $10,800 Weekday Price include fuel to Sai Kung area, crew, ice, float toys Pick up/Drop off: Sai Kung or Pak Sh
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